Monday, August 17, 2020

Fit India Freedom Run

Fit India Movement was started by Ministry of Youth affairs and Sports to motivate people to participate in various physical activities and fulfill the dream of a healthy nation. A healthy nation can contribute to the development of the wealthy nation. A country can only think of development if it's expenditure on medical facilities reduces and people are healthy and contribute to the development of the nation.

Times of India e-news channel have given the following data on activity levels of Indians:

Various activities were launched in the past one year to encourage people of all ages. This gave good results but still India needs to work on the health standards.

With this aim Fit India Movement was launched on 29th August 2019 i.e. on National Sports Day of India.

To take it further, this year, the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports in collaboration of Sports Authority of India, have launched Fit India Freedom Run on 15th August 2020 to celebrate the 73 years of freedom  of India by linking it to freedom from diseases by doing physical activity.

Various programs have been launched under this program and large number of activities have been included so people of all walks could participate heartily.

You can click on FIT INDIA MOVEMENT for complete details of the program.

The following activities can be taken up between 15th August to 2nd October 2020

  • Yoga, Dance, Stretch, Skipping, Exercise, Aerobics, Kite Flying, Stair Case Climbing, Cleaning and other home bound activities which promote fitness.
  • Jogging, Solo Run, Walk, Plogging, Cycling, Swimming, Dancing, acrobats, traditional games, limited group physical activities by following COVID-19 safety norms.

Keep a record of the activities performed.

Post your pictures on your social media with #Run4India and #FitIndia

You can then click on Registration form to get certificate at the end of the program. 

You can also organize awareness programs by creating e slogans and e posters.


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