Monday, August 24, 2020

Books for NCC

NCC books of CBSE for classes 9th to 12th

NCC is an elective subject in CBSE for classes 9th to 12th.

This can be taken by all students of a school as a sixth subject while not enrolling for NCC in any unit. It is an interesting subject to improve the knowledge of students regarding defense forces and motivate them to join the defense forces.

Here are the PDF files of the common subject books of classes 9th to 12th. Some of the specialized subject books are also given.

They only open on PC or laptop as are not supported on mobiles. 

Common Subject for class 12th 

Common Subject for class 11th

Specialized subject for 11th and 12th- Army

Common subject for class 9th and 10th

Specialized subject for class 9th and 10th - Navy

Specialized subject for class 9th and 10th - Air Wing

The specialized books to be used for classes 9th to 12th  for CBSE are the cadet Handbook for JD/JW and SD/SW, that are published by DGNCC as per the curriculum guidelines of CBSE.

CBSE guidelines for NCC for class XI and XII - Page 3 of this link

CBSE guidelines for NCC for class IX and X - Page 3 of this link

1 comment:

  1. Atleast now the cbsc board recognised to add the ncc as sixth subject, I'm indeed so happy to learn and be as a guide to make every one a good human being, my sincere thanks to cbse board,


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