Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Physical Fitness


If you love your BODY, Then don’t be LAZY, 

Do some PHYSICAL ACTIVITY.  And don’t say you’re BUSY!

Pretty cool headline, right? Well, just reading it won’t make you fit. 

All you have to do is get up and get going. 

Fitness is so important for our body and life. If you think that fitness or exercise is only for weight loss or body building like a majority of people think, then you’re wrong. The correct meaning of fitness is the condition of being physically fit and healthy. In simple words, keeping your body fit and fresh. 

We all make so many excuses when it comes to do some physical activity. “I have lots of work today, I’m busy”, “The weather is not good today, it’s too hot or too cold outside”, “I’m not feeling well today”, “From tomorrow, for sure I’ll work out”, and obviously tomorrow never comes. I think we all are familiar with these excuses. 

We can all find some time in our busy life to do some exercise or any physical activity for at least 30 minutes. Is that too much to ask for? I think not. We can all fix a routine, morning or evening. It is better to do in morning because in evening we get tired and sweaty. Oh come on lazy bugs, you should get up early. That’s how you start your day with freshness and positive energy. What’s the fun in getting up late, running for work and spending the rest of the day being like sleepy heads? Fitness also awakens your mind and removes all laziness. You feel active after doing some sports and you are relaxed while you’re doing your work.

Coming to India, 64% of people are physically inactive. The rest 46% people say that leading a healthy lifestyle is their top priority but only 37% of them actually exercise. Just imagine! If we talk about rural area, people’s work is their everyday workout. The people there are fit naturally. The know the benefits of exercising but they don’t know the proper method of doing it. Whereas in urban area which is more populated than rural area, people know everything, the benefits, the way of doing it but we find it impossible to find a little time in our busy lives for body. Everyone knows the importance of physical activities in our life. There is so much of awareness but still all we do is sit and be lazy. Recently, India was also added in the list of the laziest countries of the world. 

Find time for yourself, start by exercising twice in a week and slowly increase the time. You’ll see that not only you enjoy it but also see changes in your day-to-day life. Do it regularly and motivate others to do it too. That’s what FIT INDIA CAMPAIGN is all about, first doing it yourself and then encouraging others to do it too. You can perform any physical activity of your choice.

Riva Monteiro                                                                                                                                                   


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