Thursday, August 27, 2020

Humei Nasha Hindustan ka hai


 A patriotic video made by Prinsha Khera, NCC cadet for the Indian Defence Forces

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

DGNCC Training App for NCC cadets launched by Defence Minister Sh. Rajnath Singh

  National Cadet Corps (NCC) launched the new online training app "Director General of National Cadet Corps (DGNCC)"  for Junior Wing and Senior Wing. The app is a step towards digital learning by the ever strengthening organization.

The app was launched by the Defence Minister Sh. Rajnath Singh in virtual presence of few cadets and other training staff.

The app contains all information regarding NCC at one platform. It contains syllabus, training videos, the aim and motto of NCC for the information of cadets. It also contains the PDF of all books to be used by cadets to prepare for their exams. It will help in conducting online training of cadets.

It is a wonderful initiative by  NCC  to help the Associate NCC Officers  (ANOs) and the unit to provide videos on all topics. The app is launched today only. They have started by releasing few videos for now and more videos will be uploaded with time.

You can
download this app from Google Play Store. It can only be downloaded on Android mobiles but hope to get the app for other devices very soon

You can also post all your queries on the link given in the app itself.  

So gear up all ANOs and the training staff to take up online classes in a new and innovative manner. 

All the best. You can post your queries here.



Monday, August 24, 2020

Books for NCC

NCC books of CBSE for classes 9th to 12th

NCC is an elective subject in CBSE for classes 9th to 12th.

This can be taken by all students of a school as a sixth subject while not enrolling for NCC in any unit. It is an interesting subject to improve the knowledge of students regarding defense forces and motivate them to join the defense forces.

Here are the PDF files of the common subject books of classes 9th to 12th. Some of the specialized subject books are also given.

They only open on PC or laptop as are not supported on mobiles. 

Common Subject for class 12th 

Common Subject for class 11th

Specialized subject for 11th and 12th- Army

Common subject for class 9th and 10th

Specialized subject for class 9th and 10th - Navy

Specialized subject for class 9th and 10th - Air Wing

The specialized books to be used for classes 9th to 12th  for CBSE are the cadet Handbook for JD/JW and SD/SW, that are published by DGNCC as per the curriculum guidelines of CBSE.

CBSE guidelines for NCC for class XI and XII - Page 3 of this link

CBSE guidelines for NCC for class IX and X - Page 3 of this link

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Healthy living - Health is wealth



Bhavika Masson

NCC Cadet, No. 2 Delhi Girls Air Squadron

Fitness is everything


Garima Dimri

NCC Cadet, No. 2 Delhi Girls Air Squadron


Saturday, August 22, 2020

Fit India Movement


Navya Gupta

NCC Cadet, No. 2 Delhi Girls Air Squadron


Eat Healthy, Live Healthy..



Aparna Babbar

NCC Cadet, No. 2 Delhi Girls Air Squadron


Thursday, August 20, 2020

7 Reasons why Physical Activity is important for you

Fitness is so important for our health. Just as we need food for energy, we need to exercise for being healthy. Physical activity is an essential part of our life which we ignore.

Being healthy does not only mean eating healthy food. It also includes physical activity.

  1.  It makes you physically fit and provides you inner peace.
  2. It boosts your energy and improves your mood. 
  3. It makes you confident if you exercise regularly. 
  4. It makes you stronger regardless of your body type. 
  5. Specific exercises cure many diseases and health conditions. 
  6. Struggling to sleep? Exercise promotes better sleep. 
  7. It helps in weight loss and gain, and keep you in good shape. 

Riva Monteiro
No. 2 Delhi Girls Air Squadron

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Poem by NCC cadet for Indian Defence Forces

 A video made by Prinsha Khera, NCC cadet for the Indian Defence Forces

Please share on social media with the #FitIndia and #Run4Life

Fit India Movement - Posters by NCC cadets

Navya Gupta of No. 2 Delhi Girls Air Squadron

Prinsha Khera of No. 2 Delhi Girls Air Squadron

Bhumi Dhiman of No. 2 Delhi Girls Air Squadron

Fit India Freedom Run

By Pranavi Sachdeva - NCC Cadet, No. 2 Delhi Girls Air Squadron

Tree Plantation Drive

Trees are our lifeline. Without them, we are nothing. 

Actually, we all know this but still don't do anything when the trees are cut to make big buildings.  

Tree Plantation drive was organized by the NCC cadets various schools and colleges to motivate the people to participate by organizing poster making and slogan writing competitions. Also, all NCC cadets planted one plant each and took pledge to take care of that plant by keeping records of its height. 

The cadets also motivated their family and friends to participate in the drive. 

This was a great way to plant a large number of trees and also a step to fight against air pollution for a greener and cleaner India. 

Physical Activity Trainer Course by CBSE - Fit India Hit India

Fit India, Hit India

Sports and games are always the best way to live a healthy life. There is no other medicine better than physical activity. Young age is considered the best time to promote physical activity and make it a part of their lifestyle. So, physical literacy is the most important to increase the knowledge of students regarding the importance of physical activity and also the participation of students.

With this aim, CBSE - Department of Skill Education, has recently launched a new skill development program at the secondary level - Physical Activity Trainer course. The course has been started with the view of developing employability skills of students. After completing this course, the student can apply for the job of Early Years Physical Activity Facilitator in play schools, day care centers, apartments and clubs to build fundamental movement skills for the children of age up to 10 years.

This course include theory and practical in equal ratio that is 50-50. 

The course focuses on all round development of the students

The course content in class IX

Employability Skills

  1. Communication skills
  2. Entrepreneurial skills
  3. Green skills
  4. Self management skills
  5. IT skills in the field of Physical Education

Subject Specific Skills

  1. Role of physical education in child development
  2. Planning and organizing age appropriate physical activity
  3. Children Health and safety
The course content in class X

Employability Skills

  1. Communication skills
  2. Entrepreneurial skills
  3. Green skills
  4. Self management skills
  5. IT skills in the field of Physical Education

Subject Specific Skills

  1. Role and responsibilities early years physical activity facilitator
  2. Assessment and Evaluation of students
  3. Free play
  4. Monitoring and inventory management
For complete syllabus and other guidelines, please click on the below given links -

    Tuesday, August 18, 2020

    Video by NCC cadet of Air Wing on Fit India

     Please click on the link below to see a video by NCC cadet Aparna Babbar of No. 2 Delhi Girls Air Squadron. Click here 👇

    Fit India Freedom Run

    Please like and share it on your social media. 

    Monday, August 17, 2020

    Fit India Freedom Run

    Fit India Movement was started by Ministry of Youth affairs and Sports to motivate people to participate in various physical activities and fulfill the dream of a healthy nation. A healthy nation can contribute to the development of the wealthy nation. A country can only think of development if it's expenditure on medical facilities reduces and people are healthy and contribute to the development of the nation.

    Times of India e-news channel have given the following data on activity levels of Indians:

    Various activities were launched in the past one year to encourage people of all ages. This gave good results but still India needs to work on the health standards.

    With this aim Fit India Movement was launched on 29th August 2019 i.e. on National Sports Day of India.

    To take it further, this year, the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports in collaboration of Sports Authority of India, have launched Fit India Freedom Run on 15th August 2020 to celebrate the 73 years of freedom  of India by linking it to freedom from diseases by doing physical activity.

    Various programs have been launched under this program and large number of activities have been included so people of all walks could participate heartily.

    You can click on FIT INDIA MOVEMENT for complete details of the program.

    The following activities can be taken up between 15th August to 2nd October 2020

    • Yoga, Dance, Stretch, Skipping, Exercise, Aerobics, Kite Flying, Stair Case Climbing, Cleaning and other home bound activities which promote fitness.
    • Jogging, Solo Run, Walk, Plogging, Cycling, Swimming, Dancing, acrobats, traditional games, limited group physical activities by following COVID-19 safety norms.

    Keep a record of the activities performed.

    Post your pictures on your social media with #Run4India and #FitIndia

    You can then click on Registration form to get certificate at the end of the program. 

    You can also organize awareness programs by creating e slogans and e posters.

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