Sunday, September 6, 2020

Basketball drills at home

 Video on Basketball drills at home

Vote for the video on You Tube to make it win the fitness contest..


Fitness at home

 Video on Fitness at home

Vote for the video on You Tube to make it win the fitness contest..


Core Workout

 Video on Core Workout

Vote for the video on You Tube to make it win the fitness contest..


Basketball Drills

 Video on Basketball Drills

Vote for the video on You Tube to make it win the fitness contest..


Stretching exercises

 Video on Stretching Exercises 

Vote for the video on You Tube to make it win the fitness contest..


Yoga with Family is so much fun

 Video on Fitness by Advay 

Vote for the video on You Tube to make it win the fitness contest..


Fit India Hit India

 Video on Fitness by Prinsha

Vote for the video on You Tube to make it win the fitness contest..


Fit India run

 Video on Fitness by Jitesh Sharma

Vote for the video on You Tube to make it win the fitness contest..


Exercise is Important

 Video on Fitness by Soumya

Vote for the video on You Tube to make it win the fitness contest..


Indoor activities in Lockdown

 Video on Fitness by Anuj

Vote for the video on You Tube to make it win the fitness contest..


Yoga at Home

 Video on Fitness by Kabir

Vote for the video on You Tube to make it win the fitness contest..

Physical Fitness is Important

 Video on Fitness

Vote for the video on You Tube to make it win the fitness contest..

Fitness in Lockdown

 Video on Fitness

Vote for her on You Tube to make her win the fitness contest..

Fit India Freedom Run

 Video on Fitness by Samuel, a Basketball player

Vote for him on You Tube to make him win the fitness contest..

Body Fit, Mind Hit


 Video on Fitness by Aishwarya, NCC cadet of 2 Delhi Girls Air Squadron

Healthy Diet


 Video on healthy diet by Navya Gupta, NCC cadet of 2 Delhi Girls Air Squadron

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